Messages from Your Angels by Doreen Virtue
Author:Doreen Virtue [Virtue, Doreen]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Publisher: Hay House
Published: 2003-03-01T08:00:00+00:00
Q: How do I know if I should move to a new location?
A: When you feel the urge to transform your living environment, several factors must be considered. First of all, consider whether this is truly your in-soul (higher self) urging you to move. If it is Divinely directed, your in-soul will ensure that you get the message clearly. You will come across many references that point the way to your move. You will have a haunting urge that is undying. And yet, the opposite can also be true, when your ego takes this form in its continual effort to place happiness in some future locale. Your ego, you see, tries to convince you that moving is in your best interests, when it will really create upheavals in many areas of your life. Being uprooted robs you of many precious resources, and it takes a good measurement of Earthly time to recover. Yet, in some instances, such a move is truly the embodiment of “out with the old and in with the new.”
Your assignment, then, is to capture that voice that elects for your move and study it closely. Is it urging you to move to escape? That is the ego’s calling. Or, is it calling you to move to bring you closer to God? That is your in-soul being Divinely directed. Consider marginal alternatives to a move, including sprucing up your living environment to create a sense of newness. Ask experts to come in and advise you on the best ways to make your present living situation more accommodating and palatable.
When you are Divinely directed to move, you will not question the decision, for the urging will be so strong and so lovingly positioned in your mind that not a single doubt can be harbored there. When it is Divinely guided for you to move, you will know with great certainty that your presence is needed in another community. You will be drawn to your new locale, rather than feeling that you are escaping from your present conditions. Only through this attraction will you truly know your rightful home. Do not seek to force or push such a move, for it will only mean another temporary transition for you. Pray, wait, and listen for our guidance, which we will bring to you on Heaven’s wings.
We will help you to accommodate your present living conditions to bring you Earthly peace, comfort, and happiness. We will help you to know when the time is right to move, and to which location. Until you reach such certainty, we urge you to grow in peace in your present living situation. Carry on, awaiting your in-soul’s firm decision to move. If you will patiently wait, we promise you a smooth and harmonious move, with all of the doors opening in succession for you.
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